Cleanup database

After deprecated modules get deleted from the source they are no longer uninstallable If you haven’t uninstalled the deleted module before upgrading there might be tables in the database that remain there forever but are no longer used.

Older Group-Office instances that have gone through several version upgrades have lots of old data stored in their databases. As older modules get replaced by newer modules, old database items are being converted to new database items. The database of the old module will not be deleted by default, but as the newer modules use the new tables, the old tables just take up space.

For this reason we keep a list of DROP TABLE statements. These can be executed on the database after a successful upgrade to remove the old tables.


Do this at your own risk! We strongly recommend that you create a backup of the database before using any of these cleanup measures.

5.0 or higher

anything starting with pm_; anything starting with sy_;

6.4 or higher

The Contacts module was replace with a new version. Any table starting with ab_ can be removed Contacts are in tables starting with addressbook_

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_addressbooks`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_addresslist_group`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_companies`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_contacts_vcard_props`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_default_email_account_templates`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_default_email_templates`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_email_templates`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_portlet_birthdays`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_search_queries`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_sent_mailing_companies`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_sent_mailing_contacts`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_sent_mailings`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_settings`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cf_ab_companies`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cf_ab_contacts`;


When installing the newsletter module `ab_contacts` and `ab_addresslist*` are used to create address lists in the newsletter module. If newsletters is installed or you want a clean newsletter module the following tables are safe to remove:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_addresslist_companies`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_addresslist_contacts`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_addresslists`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ab_contacts`;

Notes module was replaced. All notes are in tables starting with notes_ and all tables starting with no_ can be removed.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `no_categories`;

The linking mechanism was changed, links are new stored in core_link

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_ab_addresslists`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_ab_companies`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_ab_contacts`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_bs_orders`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_cal_events`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_em_links`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_fs_files`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_fs_folders`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_pr2_projects`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_ta_tasks`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_links_ti_tickets`;

The ipwhitelist module was removed and is now part of the core and stored in core_auth_allow_group

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `wl_ip_addresses`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `wl_enabled_groups`;

6.5 or higher

Business / employee management changed new history module new search module

Parts of the projects module was moved to a separate Business module data of the below tables is stored in business_activity, business_activity_rate and business_employee

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pr2_employees`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pr2_standard_tasks`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pr2_employee_activity_rate`;

The history module was introduced and the go_log table will no longer be filled with new log entries. The table is unused.


6.6 or higher

The Tasks module was replace with a new version. Tables starting with ta_

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ta_categories`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ta_portlet_tasklists`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ta_settings`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ta_tasklists`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cf_ta_tasks`;

6.7 or higher

There is a new billing module but the old one can still be used or uninstalled

6.8 or higher

This release was focussed to support latest PHP version. There were no database tables obsoleted.

6.9 or higher

The Calendar module was replace with a new version.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_calendar_user_colors`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_calendars`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_categories`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_events`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_events_declined`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_exceptions`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_group_admins`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_groups`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_participants`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_settings`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_views_calendars`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_views_groups`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cal_visible_tasklists`;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cf_cal_calendars`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cf_cal_events`;
DROP TABLE ID EXISTS `calcom_event_company`;
DROP TABLE ID EXISTS `caltt_time_entry`;

Holidays are specified with rules in JSON files for the new calendar.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `go_holidays`;

The favorite module is removed. Tasks, Calendars and Address book use a subscribe mechanism

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fav_calendar`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fav_tasklist`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fav_addressbook`;