Manual from Tarball

We strongly recommend that you use our Debian packages or Docker over this method. But if you really want to use the Tarball source then here is how.


  1. Grab the source from:

  2. Put the unpacked source in apache’s document root.

  1. Make sure to make some aliases in the Apache configuration:

    Alias /public <YOURDOCUMENTROOT>/public.php
    Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync <YOURDOCUMENTROOT>/modules/z-push/index.php
    #For CalDAV support
    Alias /caldav <YOURDOCUMENTROOT>/modules/caldav/calendar.php
    #For CardDAV support
    Alias /carddav <YOURDOCUMENTROOT>/modules/carddav/addressbook.php
    #For WebDAV support
    Alias /webdav <YOURDOCUMENTROOT>/modules/dav/files.php
    #For WOPI support (Collabora Online and Office Online)
    Alias /wopi <YOURDOCUMENTROOT>/go/modules/business/wopi/wopi.php
    #For OnlyOffice support
    Alias /onlyoffice <YOURDOCUMENTROOT>/go/modules/business/onlyoffice/connector.php
    #DAV Service discovery. At least required for iOS7 support
    Redirect 301 /.well-known/carddav /carddav
    Redirect 301 /.well-known/caldav /caldav

    Or if you’re not able to add these aliases you could create a .htaccess file and use mod_rewrite rules. These aliases must work in the root of your domain so don’t put this in a subdirectory. In example and not

    # Enable rewriting
    RewriteEngine On
    # Set the base to slash as it may already have been set to something else in the main configuration.
    RewriteBase /
    # The followng two lines are only necessary when using PHP in CGI mode and not an apache module
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
    RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
    # Configure /webdav, /caldav etc. on your domain
    RewriteRule ^webdav(.*)$ /modules/dav/files.php
    RewriteRule ^caldav(.*)$ /modules/caldav/calendar.php
    RewriteRule ^carddav(.*)$ /modules/carddav/addressbook.php
    RewriteRule ^wopi(.*)$ /go/modules/business/wopi/wopi.php/$1 [L]
    RewriteRule ^Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync(.*)$ /modules/z-push/index.php
    RewriteRule ^onlyoffice(.*)$ /go/modules/business/onlyoffice/connector.php/$1 [L]
  2. If you purchased Group-Office Professional licenses then make sure the Ioncube loader is installed and place the license files in the root folder of Group-Office. For example “/usr/share/groupoffice/groupoffice-pro-6.3-license.txt”.

  3. Then visit http://yourserver/ and the installer should appear:

    The Group-Office installer

    The Group-Office installer

  4. Follow the instructions on screen.

  5. Finally, create a cron job for the scheduled tasks. For example in the file /etc/cron.d/groupoffice:

    * * * * * www-data php <YOURDOCUMENTROOT>/cron.php

    Optionally you can add the config file location:

    * * * * * www-data php <YOURDOCUMENTROOT>/cron.php /etc/groupoffice/myoffice/config.php

Authentication with CGI or FastCGI

When using PHP through CGI the “Authorization” header might not be passed by default. You can enable this header by adding these “mod_rewrite” rules to your VirtualHost section or .htacess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]