
To migrate Group-Office to another server you need to backup all data files and the database.


The filesystem paths shown here might be different in your environment.

Create the backup

  1. Determine where the data files are stored (You can also just open config.php and lookup the value instead of using ‘cat’ and ‘grep’ on linux):

    cat /etc/groupoffice/config.php | grep file_storage_path

    This outputs:

  2. You might want to disable Group-Office so nobody can work in it anymore by adding or changing this value to the config.php:

    $config['enabled'] = false;
  3. This command outputs the database parameters (You can also just open config.php and lookup the values instead of using ‘cat’ and ‘grep’ on linux):

    cat config.php | grep db

This outputs:

  1. Now create a dump of the database (replace ‘/var/lib/groupoffice/’ with your actual path found in step 1):

    mysqldump groupoffice -u groupoffice -p > /var/lib/groupoffice/groupoffice-20190101.sql
  2. Now you can either:

    1. create an archive of this folder:

      tar czf groupoffice-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/groupoffice
    2. or transfer it directly with ‘rsync’ to the new server:

      rsync -av /var/lib/groupoffice user@newserver.com:/tmp

Installing the backup on the new server

  1. Install a clean Installation following this manual. You can install a newer version. Pick a version that can upgrade your current version. Please refer to the Upgrade page.

  2. If you created the archive then copy it to the new server in /tmp

    1. If you created an archive then unpack it and replace the files folder with the groupoffice-backup.tar.gz contents. For example:

      Change to /tmp:

      cd /tmp

      Unpack the backup archive:

      tar -zxf groupoffice-backup.tar.gz

      Backup the existing folder (should be empty but to be safe):

      mv /var/lib/groupoffice /var/lib/groupofficebak

      Move the unpacked folder to /var/lib:

      mv groupoffice /var/lib/

      Replace www-data with your web server user in the following command:

      chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/groupoffice
    2. If you used ‘rsync’ to transfer the data to /tmp then move it to the right place:

      Backup the existing folder (should be empty but to be safe):

      mv /var/lib/groupoffice /var/lib/groupofficebak

      Move the transferred data to the right place:

      mv /tmp/groupoffice /var/lib
  1. Import MySQL dumpfile created in the backup into the empty database:

    mysql groupoffice -u groupoffice -p < /var/lib/groupoffice/groupoffice-20190101.sql
  2. Run /install/ to finish.


If you run into this error when importing the database dump file:

ERROR 1118 (42000) at line x: Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline

Then try to add this line on top of the dump file:

set innodb_strict_mode=0;

and retry.