From the DokuWiki website:
DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn’t require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator’s favorite.
…and that’s where this documentation page comes in.
You need to turn off suhosin.session.encrypt in the suhosin.ini file to let this module work. Otherwise this module cannot read the Group-Office session.
Dokuwiki needs to be installed on the same domain as your Group-Office installation.
After this install procedure only users of Group-Office can login to Dokuwiki.
If for some reason the configuration params are not applied correctly, then also check the <dokuwiki_path>/conf/local.php file.
This applies to DokuWiki version 2013-05-10 “Weatherwax” and later. It has been tested against a recent version
Install Dokuwiki on the server.
Copy the directory: …/go/modules/community/docuwiki/lib/plugins/authgroupoffice to the Dokuwiki installation under <dokuwiki_path>/lib/plugins/authgroupoffice.
Open the dokuwiki config file found in this location: [path to dokuwiki]/conf/dokuwiki.php
Set the following config variables:
$conf['authtype'] = 'authgroupoffice';
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
Define the Group-Office config file location and Create 2 new variables in the config file:
define("GO_CONFIG_FILE",'[path to the groupoffice config file]'); ( example: define("GO_CONFIG_FILE",'/var/www/groupoffice-4.0/config.php'); )
$conf['GO_root'] = '[path to the groupoffice dir]'; ( example: $conf['GO_root'] = '/var/www/groupoffice-4.0/'; )
$conf['GO_php'] = '[path to the groupoffice php file]' ( example: $conf['GO_php'] = '/var/www/groupoffice-4.0/www/GO.php'; )
To configure which user has management options and which is the superuser set the following options too:
// ( example: $conf['superuser'] = 'admin,testuser'; )
$conf['superuser'] = '[superuser]';
// ( example: $conf['manager'] = 'admin,testuser'; )
$conf['manager'] = '[manager]';
The modification of the files is now complete. Now log into Group-Office, go to the Dokuwiki tab and click on “Settings”. Set the correct url and title for Dokuwiki and click on “Ok”. (example url: http://localhost/dokuwiki)
Now Dokuwiki should be accessible through Group-Office.
You may want to disable the login/logout button from DokuWiki. This can be done by editing the file main.php of the DokuWiki template. Remove this line:
<?php tpl_button('login')?>