
From the DokuWiki website:

DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn’t require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator’s favorite.

…and that’s where this documentation page comes in.


  • You need to turn off suhosin.session.encrypt in the suhosin.ini file to let this module work. Otherwise this module cannot read the Group-Office session.

  • Dokuwiki needs to be installed on the same domain as your Group-Office installation.

  • After this install procedure only users of Group-Office can login to Dokuwiki.

  • If for some reason the configuration params are not applied correctly, then also check the <dokuwiki_path>/conf/local.php file.



This applies to DokuWiki version 2013-05-10 “Weatherwax” and later. It has been tested against a recent version

  1. Install Dokuwiki on the server.

  2. Copy the directory: …/go/modules/community/docuwiki/lib/plugins/authgroupoffice to the Dokuwiki installation under <dokuwiki_path>/lib/plugins/authgroupoffice.

  3. Open the dokuwiki config file found in this location: [path to dokuwiki]/conf/dokuwiki.php

  4. Set the following config variables:

$conf['authtype'] = 'authgroupoffice';
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
  1. Define the Group-Office config file location and Create 2 new variables in the config file:

define("GO_CONFIG_FILE",'[path to the groupoffice config file]'); ( example: define("GO_CONFIG_FILE",'/var/www/groupoffice-4.0/config.php'); )
$conf['GO_root']  = '[path to the groupoffice dir]';      ( example: $conf['GO_root'] = '/var/www/groupoffice-4.0/'; )
$conf['GO_php']   = '[path to the groupoffice php file]'  ( example: $conf['GO_php'] = '/var/www/groupoffice-4.0/www/GO.php'; )


To configure which user has management options and which is the superuser set the following options too:

// ( example: $conf['superuser'] = 'admin,testuser'; )
    $conf['superuser'] = '[superuser]';
    // ( example: $conf['manager'] = 'admin,testuser'; )
    $conf['manager'] = '[manager]';

The modification of the files is now complete. Now log into Group-Office, go to the Dokuwiki tab and click on “Settings”. Set the correct url and title for Dokuwiki and click on “Ok”. (example url: http://localhost/dokuwiki)

Now Dokuwiki should be accessible through Group-Office.


You may want to disable the login/logout button from DokuWiki. This can be done by editing the file main.php of the DokuWiki template. Remove this line:

<?php tpl_button('login')?>