Extending a GOUI webclient module

In which we build access control into the web client.

In the server module tutorial we built one AclOwnerEntity model, being Review. The web client was created in the webclient tutorial, without the review part. This part of the webclient tutorial covers the client-side part of working with access control lists.

For the sake of this tutorial, we made it possible for reviews to be shared with your fellow users, or being hidden since nobody needs to know about your guilty pleasures. :-)

We will be creating a modal in which to add or edit reviews. Furthermore, there will be a window, in which shared reviews are displayed. In order to be a bit flashy, we display the reviews in a somewhat playful manner.

Some specifications

Reviews are coupled to individual albums. Therefore, it makes sense to manage them on the level of the album. We already have a number of possible actions for albums hidden behind the meatball menu at the end of each row. We need to add a button to add a review. It would also be nice to see existing reviews for the selected album.

It would also make sense to disable (or entirely hide) the buttons if (a) the user already added their review and (b) when there are no reviews yet. That is, if there are no reviews, it is not needed to display them. Therefore, we hide the ‘Show reviews’ button.

Add a new entity

In the entities array of the register function, add a new entity named ‘Review’. Also, make sure that there is a model named Review in the models subdirectory:

final class Review extends AclOwnerEntity
    /** @var int */
    public int $id;
    /** @var int */
    public $aclId;
    /** @var int */
    public int $createdBy;
    /** @var int */
    public int $albumId;
    /** @var int */
    public int $modifiedBy;
    /** @var int */
    public int $rating;
    /** @var string */
    public string $title;
    /** @var string */
    public string  $body;
    /** @var string */
    public string $albumtitle;

    protected static function defineMapping(): Mapping
            return parent::defineMapping()
                    ->addQuery((new Query())->select('a.name AS albumtitle')
                            ->join('tutorial_music_album', 'a', 'a.id=tutorial_music_review.albumId'));

Update the Album model to retrieve reviews (when available):

public array $reviews;

protected static function defineMapping(): Mapping
    return parent::defineMapping()
        ->addTable("tutorial_music_album", "album")
        ->addScalar('reviews', 'tutorial_music_review', ['id' => 'albumId']);


The addScalar function is commonly used to define relations between entities.

Also, make sure that the Review controller class exists. Copy / paste it from one of the other controllers and make sure that the Rewiew model is used as its model.

In the ArtistDetail class, add two buttons to the menu at the end of each album row:

    icon: "reviews",
    text: t("Show reviews"),
    hidden: !record.reviews.length,
    handler: (btn) => {
        const w = new ReviewsWindow(record);
    icon: "rate_review",
    text: hasReviewed ? t ("Update review"): t("Write review"),
    handler: (_btn) => {
        const w = new ReviewWindow(record);
        if(hasReviewed) {

In the same renderer function, we also need to make sure that the system knows which reviews are written by the current user. A quick hack (but inefficient implementation) would be to check all reviews for the album and see whether the creator is the current user.

const user = await client.getUser();
let hasReviewed = false, reviewId = undefined;
for(const currId of record.reviews) {
    const curr = await jmapds("Review").single(currId);
    if (curr!.createdBy == user!.id) {
        hasReviewed = true;
        reviewId = curr!.id;

Add or Edit a Review

Now we create a new file named ReviewWindow. As we edit an entity, we can use the built-in FormWindow. We make sure to pass the data of the current album to the window, as we can dynamically create a title and pass the albumId in the form.

export class ReviewWindow extends FormWindow {

    private readonly data: Album;
    constructor(data: Album) {
            this.data = data;
            this.title = t("Review") + ": " + data.name;

            this.stateId = "add-review-dialog";
            this.maximizable = true;
            this.resizable = true;
            this.modal = true;
            this.width = 640;

            this.form.on("save", (form, data, isNew) => {
                    router.goto("artist/" + this.data.artistId);

                                    name: "title",
                                    label: t("Title"),
                                    required: true
                                    hidden: true,
                                    value: parseInt(this.data.id),
                                    required: true,
                                    name: "albumId"
                                    label: t("Rating"),
                                    name: "rating",
                                    required: true,
                                    options: [
                                                    value: 1,
                                                    name: t("1 star")
                                                    value: 2,
                                                    name: t("2 stars")
                                                    value: 3,
                                                    name: t("3 stars")
                                                    value: 4,
                                                    name: t("4 stars")
                                                    value: 5,
                                                    name: t("5 stars")

                                    required: true,
                                    name: "body",
                                    label: t("Your review")


The line this.addSharePanel(); makes sure that the AclOwnerEntity can actually be shared among users. When opening the review window, an extra tab is displayed that allows you to configure which users and groups have access to your record.

Display all reviews

Now that one can add, edit or share a review, all that remains, is to list them. As long as a user has access to the music module, all reviews for the currently selected album are retrieved as long as the user has access to them. All we need to do, is open a new window in which reviews are opened. Create a new file named ReviewsWindow and type or paste the following code:

export class ReviewsWindow extends Window {

    constructor(data: Album) {
            this.title = `${t("Reviews")} ${t("for")}: ${data.name}`;

            this.stateId = "reviews-dialog";
            this.maximizable = true;
            this.resizable = true;
            this.modal = true;
            this.width = 640;
            this.height = 768;
            this.cls = "vbox gap";

            const scrollCmp = comp({cls: "scroll", flex: 1});

            jmapds("Review").get(data.reviews).then(async (result) => {
                    for (const review of result.list) {
                            const user = await jmapds("User").single(review!.createdBy);
                            const avatarCnt = comp({
                                            cls: "go-detail-view-avatar pad",
                                            itemId: "avatar-container"
                            if(user!.avatarId) {
                                                    cls: "goui-avatar",
                                                    blobId: user!.avatarId,
                                                    title: user!.displayName
                            } else {
                                    avatarCnt.items.replace(avatar({cls: "goui-avatar", displayName: user!.name}));

                            scrollCmp.items.add(comp({cls: "card pad"},
                                    comp({cls: "hbox",},avatarCnt,
                                            comp({cls: "vbox"},
                                                    h4(t("By")+ " " +user!.displayName),
                                    comp({cls: "border-bottom", html: review!.body})
            }).finally(() => {
                    this.items.add(scrollCmp, tbar({}, "->", btn({
                            icon: "close",
                            text: t("Close"),
                            handler: () => this.close()


    private addRating(rating: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5): Component {
            const cmp = comp({cls: "hbox"});
            for (let r = 1; r <= rating; r++) {
                    cmp.items.add(comp({cls: "icon", tagName: "i", text: "star"}))
            return cmp;

The code is pretty simple. In the constructor, the album data is already passed. We know the ideas of the reviews, so we retrieve them from the data store. As the data store knows who has access, we do not have to bother with that. When these are loaded, a new card is rendered for each review. Having done that, a bottom toolbar is rendered with a button to close the reviews. In order to create some eye-candy, the ratings are displayed with stars (one is bad, five is good). Finally, the user is displayed with their avatar (if available).


That’s it. You have just created a Group-Office module in our lightweight GOUI framework. You have been taught the concepts of Entities and Properties, you learnt how to make certain entities shareable and you have learnt how to create a fancy frontend with relatively little code.