iOS (iPhone or iPad)
On iOS you can connect using ActiveSync. You can synchronize:
Tasks (Called “Reminders” on iOS)
Files (Using WebDAV)
Microsoft ActiveSync
To setup an ActiveSync account take the following steps:
Navigate to Settings and lookup the “Accounts & Passwords” page.
Click on “Add account”.
Now tap on “Exchange”.
Fill in your e-mail address and an account description
In the popup dialog choose “Configure manually”.
Now enter your password.
iOS now attempts to discover settings on the domain of your e-mail address. In this example “”. It is likely to fail because this is not the correct ActiveSync server address. It give a certficate error. Just ignore it by clicking “Continue”.
Enter your Server hostname and your Group-Office username.
In the final screen you can optionally disable some apps.
10. Now you must give it some time to sync everything and check your contacts, e-mail and calendar for your Group-Office data!
Files (WebDAV)
With the app “FilebrowerGO” see you can mount the webdav drive and access files directly from your phone.