Account settings

Often it is necessary to create user account settings for modules. You can do that by extending the User entity with properties.

Create a new property model. For example:


namespace go\modules\community\addressbook\model;

use go\core\orm\Property;

class UserSettings extends Property {

         * Primary key to User id
         * @var int
        public $userId;

         * Default address book ID
         * @var int
        public $defaultAddressBookId;

        protected static function defineMapping() {
                return parent::defineMapping()->addTable("addressbook_user_settings", "abs");

Also create a database table for it:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `addressbook_user_settings` (
        `userId` int(11) NOT NULL,
        `defaultAddressBookId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`userId`),
        KEY `defaultAddressBookId` (`defaultAddressBookId`)

ALTER TABLE `addressbook_user_settings`
        ADD CONSTRAINT `addressbook_user_settings_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`userId`) REFERENCES `core_user` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
        ADD CONSTRAINT `addressbook_user_settings_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`defaultAddressBookId`) REFERENCES `addressbook_addressbook` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL;

In the Module.php we can use the “Property::EVENT_MAPPING” event to dynamically extend the User entity with this property:

namespace go\modules\community\addressbook;

use go\core\module\Base;
use go\modules\community\addressbook\model\Contact;
use go\modules\core\links\model\Link;
use go\modules\core\users\model\User;
use go\modules\community\addressbook\model\UserSettings;

class Module extends Base {

        public static function defineListeners() {
                // When the User mapping is created listen call static::onMap
                User::on(Property::EVENT_MAPPING, static::class, 'onMap');

        public static function onMap(Mapping $mapping) {
                //Add the relation to the User mapping
                $mapping->addRelation('addressBookSettings', UserSettings::class, ['id' => 'userId'], false);

After these changes you must run install/upgrade.php to rebuild the cache.

Now the User entity has this new property:

        id: 1,
        username: "admin",
        addressBookSettings: {
                defaultAddressBookId: 1


You can now implement a settings panel in the webclient.