
Group-Office has 3 routers:

  1. The JMAP router for routing JMAP requests. See

  2. The CLI router for routing Command Line Interface commands

  3. A download hash for routing download id’s to a method.

JMAP Router

The standard JMAP calls are already built in. Every Entity is registered in the “core_entity” table. The router uses this table to find the corresponding module. For example method call “Contact/get” is mapped to PHP class:


and public method:


All parameters are passed in the $params argument.

CLI Router

There’s also a command line interface router. Read more about that here

Download router

All downloads go through “download.php?blob=<HASH>”. The <HASH> is typically a hash pointing to a BLOB on the system. But it can also contain a route to a special download method defined in the Module.php file of the module. Methods prefixed with “download” can be accessed. For example method:


can be accessed with:
