User management is available for administrators and any user who has permissions via System Settings -> Modules -> System permissions. When clicking users you will see a list of all Group-Office users. Via the “more” menu in the record you can:
Edit the user
Login as this user
Archive a user
Delete the user
Instead of deleting or archiving users you can simply disable them. Disabling a user will keep all data and references to the user but the user can’t login or used for new items. To deactivate a user you must “Edit” it and toggle “Login enabled” on the account page.
Archiving a user will not only disable the user. It will also hide any calendars, note books task lists and address books from other non-admin users. If for a user is re-enabled, these shares have to be restored manually by either the user or the administrator.
User defaults
Before adding any user. Check the ‘User settings’ to avoid unnecessary changes to user settings after creating them.
Click the settings icon to change default values and manage custom fields.
Adding a user
Before adding users make sure you’ve setup User groups with the right module access. So setting up the user permissions is a simple matter of adding it to the right user group.
To add a user click the plus icon. A short wizard opens with three steps.
Supply the username, display name and e-mail address.
Username is case insensitive.
Display name is used in Group-Office
Provide an account e-mail address.
Because often Group-Office is used as primary e-mail service you must provide a secondary e-mail address for e-mail recovery. If not available just use your primary e-mail.
Provide a password. You can also use the button in the first field top generate a strong password.
Finally, add the user to the right User groups andf click ‘Finish’.
Edit user
To edit a user double click or use the more menu. The edit dialog is identical to the ‘Account settings’ page but adds some administrative features:
Group management
Disable / enable login
Set disk quota
Disk quota
If you leave this blank then users can use an unlimited amount of storage. If set then the user will be limited to this amount of disk space.
Disk quota applies to all files in the user’s home folder of the files module. Other locations such as projects and address book folders are owned by the “admin” user.
Visibility of users
By default all users are visible to each other. You can see users when you share something with another user for example. If you’d like to change this you need to change the default permissions of a new user group. Because every user gets it’s own personal group used for permissions. You can change the default or at Group defaults. It’s also possible to reset or add new permissions for all users / groups at Group defaults with the “Reset all” or “Add to all” buttons.
You can change visibility settings per user in the user account page at the “Visible to” tab.
After an upgrade from 6.2 none of the users are visible. This is a known issue. If you’d like to make all users visible then edit the Default permissions of “Group” and add for example group “Everyone” and click “Add to all”. Now all users can see all groups and users.